Study: 35 genes linked to marijuana use


As we’ve touched on with multiple podcasts, genes have been blamed (and credited) for litany of issues, most notable diseases and weight loss.

A new study indicates that something else can be linked to genes: Smoking pot.

Using data from 180,000 people, researchers wee able to determine there are at least 35 different genes that could actually impact the odds of you experimenting with marijuana.

Two key points in the study:

– There’s a correlation between using marijuana and the personality traits that are impacted by genetics.

– Those who are more likely to develop schizophrenia and ADHD are more likely to use marijuana over a lifetime.

“The study found a genetic overlap between cannabis use and the use of tobacco and alcohol,” a press release about the study said. “There was a similar overlap between cannabis use and personality types that were prone to more risky behavior or were more extroverted.

Read more here.

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